Friday, January 4, 2013

The Guilt Trip Review

The Guilt Trip Review
Christmas Day, I went to go see, The Guilt Trip, with my mother. From the very beginning of movie, my mother and I LOVED IT! It was so funny! Perfect family humor. At a couple of times it was a bit PG-13, but nothing over the top. It was such a amazing comedy. It was about a grown man, Andy, and his mother, Joyce, going on a road trip to try and sell his "Scioclean" A cleaning product that is all natural. On the trip Andy and his mother, Joyce, face multiple disagreements throughout the drive. Like every mother and son, you will have some rough times. But, you will always love each other. Andy and his mother, reconnect through this heart felt, laugh out loud, best road trip of the year, movie.
P.S. When I went to see it with my mom, we saw my cousins and their family, they were seeing it too! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

In The End - Black Veil Brides

So, a while ago I heard about a very popular band called; Black Veil Brides. I was very reluctant to listen to their music and give it a try. Mostly because the song I heard about was called, “Knifes and Pens,” a little creepy… But in the end, I gave in. I decided; why not give it a try?

My friend told me to listen to their song called, “In the End.”   I found the music video on YouTube.  I have this thing where I hate to watch the music video, mainly because it ruins the song for me.  I wasn’t so sure who was who in the band, but I heard the song and let me just say…. 5 STARS!

 It was such a good song, and the video was AMAZING! I love the song and now I listen to it ALL THE TIME! The lead singer; Andy Biersack or Andy Six, has the perfect voice for the song, and the lyrics he wrote were just amazing.

In an interview he said that he was actually very religious. He believes that the “afterlife” isn’t about the person who died, but about the people living after the death. In the very beginning he says, “Who will tell the story of your life?”  

I thought the song was amazing and was absolutely the best song for everyone to listen.

             P.S. I was listening to the song while writing this! :D

In The End – Black Veil Brides